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Alauda Container Platform is included as an Honorable Mention in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for DevOps Platforms

Platform Engineering

Platform Engineering is an approach to designing, building, and managing the underlying infrastructure and tools that support the development, deployment, and operation of software applications.

The ultimate goal of Platform Engineering is to enable organizations to deliver software applications faster, more reliably and with higher quality.
Platform engineering involves creating a platform that abstracts away the complexities of the underlying infrastructure.

Platform engineering provides developers with a streamlined and efficient environment to build and deploy applications.

Platform engineering allows development teams to focus on writing code and delivering value to end-users and the platform handles the operational aspects of application deployment and management.

Key Aspects of Platform Engineering

Challenges Platform Engineering Aims to Solve

Infrastructure Complexity
  • Managing and provisioning infrastructure resources across different environments and cloud providers
  • Ensuring consistency, reliability, and scalability of the underlying infrastructure
  • Reducing the time and effort required for infrastructure setup and configuration
Deployment Automation
  • Streamlining and automating the application deployment process
  • Implementing continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
  • Ensuring consistent and reproducible deployments across different environments
Scalability and Performance
  • Designing and implementing architectures that can scale horizontally and vertically
  • Optimizing application performance to handle increasing traffic and user loads
  • Implementing auto-scaling and load balancing mechanisms to maintain optimal performance
Monitoring and Observability
  • Providing comprehensive monitoring and logging solutions for applications and infrastructure
  • Enabling proactive identification and resolution of performance issues and bottlenecks
  • Facilitating root cause analysis and troubleshooting of production incidents
Security and Compliance
  • Implementing robust security measures to protect applications, data, and infrastructure
  • Ensuring compliance with industry standards, regulations, and organizational policies
  • Conducting regular security audits and vulnerability assessments
Cost Optimization
  • Monitoring and optimizing resource utilization to minimize waste and reduce costs
  • Implementing cost allocation and budgeting mechanisms for transparent cost management
  • Identifying opportunities for cost savings through rightsizing, reserved instances, and other strategies
Developer Productivity
  • Providing self-service capabilities for developers to provision and manage their own resources
  • Offering standardized development environments and tools to reduce setup time and improve consistency
  • Streamlining the onboarding process for new developers and applications
Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Management
  • Enabling seamless deployment and operation of applications across multiple cloud providers
  • Managing the complexities of integrating on-premises infrastructure with cloud services
  • Ensuring data consistency, security, and compliance in hybrid cloud environments
Disaster Recovery and High Availability
  • Designing and implementing disaster recovery strategies to minimize downtime and data loss
  • Ensuring high availability of applications through redundancy, failover, and geo-replication
  • Regularly testing and validating disaster recovery plans to maintain business continuity
Continuous Improvement and Innovation
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest technologies, tools, and best practices in the platform engineering space
  • Continuously improving and optimizing the platform based on user feedback and business requirements
  • Fostering a culture of experimentation, learning, and innovation within the organization

How ACP can help?

Alauda Container Platform (ACP) empowers platform engineering teams with tools for self-service infrastructure provisioning, streamlined application onboarding, and establishing best practices across multi-cloud environments. It offers comprehensive features for application self-operation, monitoring, financial management, and cost optimization, enabling platform engineers to build and manage efficient, scalable, and resilient application platforms.

Scenario 1: Self-Service Infrastructure Provisioning
Platform Engineers enable development teams to independently manage resources through self-service provisioning, eliminating manual infrastructure team intervention.

ACP Help:
  • Provides user-friendly interface and API for easy resource provisioning and management
  • Supports infrastructure as code for version control, reproducibility, and automation
  • Allows setting resource quotas and policies to ensure fair allocation and prevent overuse
Scenario 2: Streamlined Application Onboarding
Platform Engineers simplify the process of onboarding new applications by providing standardized templates, automating environment setup, integrating with CI/CD, and ensuring security and compliance.

ACP Help:
  • Offers pre-defined templates and frameworks for common application architectures
  • Automates setup of development, testing, and production environments
  • Integrates with popular CI/CD tools for continuous integration and deployment
  • Enforces security and compliance policies during application onboarding
Scenario 3: Establishing a Golden Path (DevOps)
Platform Engineers define a set of recommended tools, processes, and best practices (Golden Path) for consistent and efficient application development and deployment, following DevOps principles.

ACP Help:
  • Supports standardization of programming languages, frameworks, and tools
  • Provides best practices and recommended architecture patterns
  • Includes features for code quality scanning, automated testing, and documentation
  • Offers pre-built integrations and APIs for common services
Scenario 4: Enabling Application Self-Operation in Multi-Cloud
Platform Engineers provide tools and infrastructure for applications to be self-operating, with automated deployment, scaling, monitoring, and recovery across multiple cloud providers.

ACP Help:
  • Supports defining infrastructure as code for consistency across multi-cloud environments
  • Provides APIs and tools for applications to manage their lifecycle, scaling, and health checks
  • Built on cloud-native technologies like Kubernetes for seamless integration with various cloud providers
  • Enables multi-cloud deployments with a unified management interface
Scenario 5: Implementing Billing and Financial Operations (FinOps)
Platform Engineers manage costs and optimize financial operations related to the platform and its applications, including metering, billing, cost allocation, and optimization.

ACP Help:
  • Provides metering and billing capabilities to track resource consumption
  • Offers cost visibility and analytics through detailed dashboards and reports
  • Supports defining cost allocation models and budgets for fair and transparent charging
  • Continuously monitors resource utilization and provides recommendations for cost optimization
  • Integrates with financial systems and provides APIs for automating billing processes